Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Love Day

The Dancing Maidens of Jerusalem

pic from

Today is 15 Menachem Av, a day of balance and love in the energy consciousness of the universe. The Moon(feminine, minus pole) is Full in the month ruled by the Sun (masculine, plus pole). The Schechinah is fully manifest. The Full Adornment of the Feminine Energy in completion with the masculine. I can really relate to the above picture. I probably have done it in many lifetimes. The Feminine is always alluded to metaphorically as 'adorned' when she is illuminating the masculine pole.

Kabbalah teaches that on this day resonance occurs with the piece of the broken vessel that is your soul mate .

It is the love that is within, the inner love, that is brought forth on this day. The inner dimension of the letter tet, the inner love which carries all human species on all worlds into the domain of the essence of .........

Happy Love Day

The state of affairs of the world has me worried and perturbed. I'll just put that aside.

No matter

How you look at it

it is all a matter






why and if






scheme of things?


4:00PM EDT

At this moment in time Israel has launched a massive ground offensive on their Northern Border with Lebanon. We cannot allow ourselves to become complacent about this conflict. It is an invasive phenomonon. Even though I forewarned myself before hand not to freak out, I did when I paid 3.15 for gas this morning. I had to pray to Madre Maria, Madre de Dios. I always pray to Madre Maria en espanol. No sabe porque. There are certain situations that just bring that prayer forth from me, and buying gas this morning was one of those moments. Every was just totally apathetic and complacent about it, and there I was, the Jew from Jersey freaking out at the 7 Eleven in Orlando. Oy. And when one gets down to the nitty gritty of the energy, it is the feminine that one cries out to. All Religion Aside. Concidentally (ah-hem), this morning I got an email from my Chji Quong friend Rebecca with a full moon Quan Yin meditation. All spiritualitally esoteric modalities tie this full moon in particular to the manifestation of the feminine. We are all both masculine nd feminine. The inner battle that wages in which we seek balance or domination of one side over the other. All I know is that I will send inner love to Israel and the Conflict. Pacifist or not, I find that I must take a stand. War. The Battle. The Eternal Conflict. I cannot even think of what the future will bring.

The data just came in to me that today is the 61st anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. A very eloquent Japanese man, a survivor of the bombing, was speaking at the House of Representatives as part of a Peace Committee. He said the same things I say. Made me feel not so alone. They're worried about the current conflict becoming nuclear and beg Americans not to be so complacent.

In the Meantime. I'm gonna Dance in the Supernal Jerusalem adorning myself in the Schechinah and resonate with my soul mate.



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