Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Friday, July 28, 2006

A Drop of Blue

Parashat Devarim

This Shabbat is Shabbat Hazon - the Shabbat before Tisha B'Av. Shabbat Hazon means Shabbat of Vision. The metaphor is, look to the future. Don't mourn the destruction of the Temples, mourn the cause. See a Positive Future in which the Temple Stands.
Devarim is the first portion in the Book of Deuterotony, the 5th book of Torah. Keter, Chochmah, Binah, Zeir Anpin, Malchut.
Devarim means "words". The sense for the month of Av which starts the Book of Devarim is Hearing, and the inner meaning of the entire book is words.
Parashat Devarim begins with an aleph, not a vav, as does Parashat Massey, the last portion in Numbers. Av begins with an aleph too.
These are the words of Moses - the beginning of his goodbye speech, as it were, to B'nei Yisrael before his upcoming death.

"These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel on the east bank of the Jordan, in the desert [and] in the Aravah, near Suf, in the vicinity of Paran, Tofel, Lavan, Chatzeroth and Di Zahav. Eleh hadevarim asher diber Moshe el-kol-Yisra'el be'ever haYarden bamidbar ba'Aravah mol Suf beyn-Paran uveyn-Tofel veLavan vaChatserot veDi Zahav."

Moshe starts with a summary of the travels and wars of B'nei Yisrael. In the literal narrative, Moshe is relating the story of the battle for the Northern Boundary of Eretz Yisrael.

The Sages - Rabbi Shimon and the Ari - teach about the source of the evil amongst nations.

Without dogma I present the spiritual esoteric data.
As Slartibartfast once said. "Great Things Are Afoot".

The Haftorah of Devarim
Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1 - 1:27
is even more eerie when placed in conjunction with current events. It is a mathematical equation.
I'm not going all fundamentalist here. The Literal Interpretation of Torah exists on another level.
With this Parashat we enter the energy of Malchut. And we have to go through the Death of Moses again. Everything is circular. I think that's why I'm having this craving for eggs.
Always always always there is opportunity for change.
Heck - I really believed Bush and Blair for a few moments there.

Now we are in a period of hearing the words.
Studying helps me to get a grip. I do not believe that any one way is the right way. All the ways exist for a reason. The Dalai Lama taught me that.

Candlelighting 8:01, minus 4.

'they say that anger is just love disappointed'
'we shall overcome'

Shabbat Shalom


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