Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Nissan - Aries


Energy shift again. Never entropy. Always shift, always change.

March 30th is 1 Nissan.
Nissan is the First Month, the Head , Rosh, month.
Nissan is the month of Spring, and all that Spring alludes to, i.e. growth, rebirth, and spiritually, the actualization of potential.
Passover, Pesach, is the Major Holy Day during Nissan. Eat matzoh. 8 days. 8. Like Chanukkah. Connection with Binah always emcompasses the 8, because Binah is 8th Sephirot counting upwards from Malchut - Malchut, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiferet, Gevurah, Chesed, Binah.
Hei is the letter for the month of Nissan, Aries the Ram. During Aries, confrontation abounds. The negative traits inherent to the energy of the month are always the mose predominant, and also, the most difficult to deal with, but that is how we learn.
Aries people seek out confrontation, and like to control. Self centered. Nissan is a difficult sign for me. I don't get along with Aries people. Coming out of Adar with the sense of being spiritually full into the energy of Nissan is a whallop. Especially in the wake of a Total Solar Eclipse. I'm bouncing off the walls, which is not my usual state of being. :P
Nissan is a fire sign, and is ruled by Mars, the planet of Fire.
Lots of fire here.
Nissan is also the month of miracles, nissim in Hebrew. Nissan is spelled with a nun at the beginning and at the end, miracle of miracles. So we have the whole Exodus thing happening with Passover. The Exodus is the metaphor of leaving bondage. And it seems we all have to be kicked int he butt in order to leave the bondage. So, that's how the energy of Aries fits in. For me, that butt kicking is a difficult energy.
On the bright side, it is rebirth. Having absorbed the fullness of Adar, now we have to bring it down to Malchut. On Passover, the 50th gate of Binah is opened up, and we receive Direct Light. Internal vs External. Binah and Malchut are the feminine. Aries is fire, which is left column, feminine. Binah is shining directly. Heavy Duty Light. And the feminine is the actualization of the potential, potential is male. Once again, a feminine life giving energy is translated by a male oriented religion. hmmmm. Just made that connection myself.
Most of Nissan is taken up with preparation for Passover, and Passover itself. The energy is diluted with ritual. Interesting. I myself love the Passover ritual. It is forced Spring cleaning. Get rid of all the chametz, everything clean and ready to be reborn.
Rabbi G -
" The greatest miracle of the month of Nissan is that in Nissan nature itself experiences true renewal. By 'gently' uniting with nature, refining and illuminating it, the realm of the miraculous will gladden the realm of the natural. "
The Heavens and the Earth Rejoice from Psalms - Yismichu hashamayim v'tagel ha'aretz reveals the four letter name of G-d, the tetragrammaton, in with the letter Hei appears twice. Direct.
The major energy connection during Nissan is through the Hei.
Hei is the 5th letter of the Aleph Bet, gematria 5.
The letter Hei, as the month of Nissan, is the seed level. Hei is the phonetic origin of the Aleph Bet. Hei therefore is expression in thought, speech and action, the 3 worlds, as the letter itself has 3 lines. The form of the dalet, which is the letter for Mars, and an 'unattached left foot'.


This is the Ari's theory of point line, corresponding to the direct, or straight light.

In the form of the letter there is the 3 Essence, Transcendent Light, Immanent (Inner) light made manifest. The 3 Divine manifestations.

Just as in Torah we enter Leviticus, which is Binah the 3rd book.

In the gematria the number is 5. 5 is very important in Kabbalah. 5 fingers. 5 levels of the soul. 5 books of Moses. 5 final letters. It all connects. And, if on my word, this ain't the 10th post of the new blog. 10 = 5 x 2, did u know?

The controlling sense is the sense of speech. Lots of talking. Aries do love to talk, the thing is, most of them don't like to listen. So, that's what it is necessary to get around, ha.

To understand that through the sense of speech, for us humans this involves speaking and words, we are to be revealing the essence of the divine through connection, rather than dwelling on the self centered action of speaking, and the desire to control.

Because, Bless Rabbi G who told me this, even tho I knew it anyway, and I'm not even going to 'splain the Ari.

According to Sefer Yetzirah

The letter Aleph created Spring

The letter Hei created Nissan

And the Rosh day, the First day , Sunday is the letter Beit.

Aleph Hei Beit root of ahava = love = echad = one. gematria 13. 13 = 12 + 1, as we finished Adar - 12 and go into Nissan -1 , because it is never an ending, only a continuing to move forward. And the numbers play. And I love the mystery.


I'm going to deal with this Aries energy, and not fail like I did during Shevat. Actually, it is easier for me because I observe the rituals, and I do love a good ritual. :) I have to giggle when I read that Matisyahu came from a 'hippie' life style and went to Orthodox Judaism. Yeah. I have to giggle. We hippies always loved a good ritual. No matter what age you are, it is a certain consciousness I guesss. Remember "Happenings"? Smiling.

Everything is going to bloom forth.

Muse on Hei. Walk your walk and talk your talk.


Chodesh Tov Nissan



Blogger VickeB said...

Karaite Korner Newsletter #261

New Moon of the Aviv Sighted

On Thursday March 30, 2006 the New Moon of the Aviv was sighted from Israel.
The moon was first sighted by Magdi Shamuel at 17:58 from Bet Ezra followed
by Eli Shamuel at 18:01. The New Moon was also sighted by a group of
observers from Jerusalem, first by Lee Ware, Rivkah Alon, and Libby Moor at
18:09 and then by 11 other observers over the next two minutes. The moon
remained visible for many minutes. A photograph of the new moon from
Jerusalem is posted at:

Rosh Hashanah Sameach!
(Happy New Year!)

Nehemia Gordon
Jerusalem, Israel

3/30/2006 7:26 PM  
Blogger ileya said...

You know I have two Aries kids. It is all about fire.. I usually get along really well Aries energy so let the growth begin..

I think that going out and connecting to the earth and really going into germinated seed mode in the self helps, when moving through this energy..

Become the seed as it pokes its head through the soil.. Feel your roots, digging deeper into the soul to stabilize and then reach up and out to rise up to our fullest self.. Let the sun fill us and warm us and let the life giving energy from the soul move us forward.. Ahhhhhhh growing up.

Love the stuff on the lake in Anartica, how cool is that. Mysterys of the deep, my heart gets all a flutter... hehehe Who doesnt love a good mystery...

Thank you for your blogs Vicki, love you so.. Oh and hey, Happy Saleing today.. Pun intented.. :-)

3/31/2006 11:14 AM  

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