Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Friday, March 24, 2006

As Adar winds into Nissan

I'm making some interesting connections. kabbalah. energy stuff.
What does it mean, the inter integrating of the Sephirot.
I see now. I see.
It is the feminine energy which manifests the light. The waters of Life flow from Binah. Reflected light. Inner light. So, how from this did they get such a male dominated religion? Huh?
Yesod of Chochmah cannot complete without Yesod of Chesed of Binah completing. (The Ari).
Then the light goes down, through Yesod of Zeir Anpin, illuminated by the light of Binah who completed Chochmah. Masculine, Feminine, Neutral. Always. From Yesod of Zeir Anpin, Malchut is illuminated and the Reflected light of that central column illumination is Chesed of Netzach (Moses ) and Chesed of Hod (Aaron) . hmmmmm. I love it. And again I will emphatically state, and I am Unanimous in This, that although I may not be a good housekeeper, I am able to understand the Ari and the Sephirot. So there. Pbllsft.

And in order to be able to distinguish , or to differentiate, we need 2 opposite poles and a midpoint. Especially in mathematics. Rational numbers vs irrational numbers, fractions and pi and all that.
In quantum theory, the theory of the midpoint, is of course quantum. Smiling at that one.
Example. Parallel universes. The quantum theory of parallel universes states that for every action not taken, for every thought, for every alternate path, a reality exists in which that path is played out. Let's take that a step further. For every alternate path, there are three paths, right left and center. And for every one of those three, there are three ad infinitim.
I've had a lot of healers and energy workers saying to me during this month that ' the veil is thin'. The interpretion, however, is not that the veil is thin, but it is the culmination of the inter integration of all the Sepirot. The intermingling. And The Awe, the spaces between the Sephirot, contain the Joy.
I do love to muse.

Candelighting 6:21, forward 4.
Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei, double portion cause 5766 isn't a leap year.
Blessing of the New Month.
Shabbat Shalom


Blogger ileya said...

You ask, how we got from such a beautiful feminine concept to the male domination. I recommend two incredibly controversial books. And I know how much you love a good controversy. First book. "When God was a Woman", Merlin Stone. Second Book, "The First Sex", Elizabeth Gould Davis". Great reads, lots of history, archeology, the stuff your never gona read in history book.. I highly recommend them both.. Puts things in a little different perspective.. :-) Helps make sense of the senseless.. But watch your heart as you read, it makes your blood boil at times.. Love Ileya

3/31/2006 11:29 AM  

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