Happy Vernal Equinox
I was musing upon all the celebrations which occur during this month of Adar in every genre. There is the Lenten season which starts with celebrations like Mardi Gras and Carnivales, There's Purim, and St. Patricks Day, and also a Hindu Celebration of the Spring. Greenness and drunkness abound :D
"The Hindu festival of Holi marks the start of spring. The colours signify the blossoms of the season. Here children in the Indian city of Amritsar dress as the Hindu god Krishna and his consort Radha.
The story of Holi:
" An evil king tried to kill his son, Prahalada, and asks his sister, Holika who he believes is immune to fire, to sit with his son in the fire. But Prahalada survived. Holika died."
"Thais are celebrating Songkran, their traditional New Year, drenching each other with water and coloured powder.
The ritual descends from ancient times when it was designed to guarantee water for the next season's crops.
Freeing a caged bird during the festival is said to bring good luck. "
Hmmm. Seems to me they're all the same. The Hindu festival is replete with evil king and everything, same as Purim. I'm not Joseph Campbell, but I do seek connectedness. Part of what religious Kabbalah teaches is that Nature is part of the false reality, and I don't buy that at all.
uh uh. I'm sick of dogma and religious extremism. 'S far as I'm concerned, the world is going to the dogs. sighs. I'm sick of having the fact that I am not the best housekeeper be the most important thing that people look at in me. That's sick. sighs again. What is going on? The paradox? The false reality? And can you imagine if I said to Rabbi G that Purim and the Hindu festival of Holi are the same parable and energy? Oy. I'd be accused of all sorts of terrible things, and of course I'd be accused of Idol Worship. Pshaw. It is all energy. Religion is something else. And I figure if they're going to zap my blog anyway, then I might as well say everything I've got to say instead of being such an intrinsic esoteric.
We need to be forced to see the intermingling of all to create a larger unity. Dogma is running rampant. Do it my way, my way is the only way. Isn't, don't you see?
Each and every peoples have a celebration to usher in Spring. Because Spring is important as it represents new life and rebirth.
Things get green, blossoms burst forth. Growth starts.
If you pay more attention considering the simplicity rather than the complexity, it is then that you see with those eyes that pierce the veil of false reality.
Ah Spring. I yearn to get my hands in the earth and start planting. But I don't do that here in Florida. Too many bugs. sighs. Herbs in pots. Greenness :D
Here is an update on the Deep Impact Comet Temple 1 mission.
Ice layers record comet creation
By Paul Rincon BBC News science reporter, in Houston, Texas
Comets hold materials unchanged since the Solar System's formation
The Deep Impact mission is casting new light on how comets formed and how they shed their ice in space.
The US space agency probe sent a 370kg projectile crashing into Comet Tempel 1 and then studied the plume of debris with its suite of instruments.
Nasa's mission scientists say images from last July's encounter reveal as many as seven different layers on the comet's surface.
Their results were presented at a major science conference in Houston, US.
Team member Mike Belton told the meeting he thought the layering was a sign of how comets like Tempel 1 were built up from lesser objects.
Growing 'snowball'
In the outer part of the early Solar System, smaller bodies called cometesimals collided and merged, gradually piling up to form the larger objects we know as comets.
Similar collisions in the inner Solar System led to a loose accumulation of fragments that largely retained their internal structure.
But primordial material in the outer regions was travelling at relatively lower speeds and contained less solid material.
As the cometesimals hit the surface of a growing comet nucleus, they "flowed" on to the surface, researchers believe.
Deep Impact's scientists think the interior structure of Tempel 1 resembles layers of material piled up on one another - a signature of the process that formed the icy body.
Model conflict
Data from the mission is also helping scientists understand how comets shed water-ice through sublimation, the phenomenon which sees a solid become a gas without first melting.
When comets are heated by the Sun, ice sublimes and is lost to space in a process known as outgassing. Some scientists have proposed that this material is coming from deep below the surface crust of the comet.
But temperature data from Tempel 1's nucleus suggests the material must be lost from only a few centimetres below the surface.
"The normal outgassing of the comet has been modelled by different people as coming from bare ice on the surface to subsurface ice that migrates through pores to escape, or from 40-50m below the surface,"
Deep Impact's chief scientist Mike A'Hearn told the BBC News website.
"I think it is clear from what we have here that the ice that is subliming is within the upper metre. Whether it's 5cm or 20cm below, I wouldn't want to say; but it's not below the top metre. That rules out a lot of the models."
The new results from the mission were presented here at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.
At least they are analyzing the data scientifically. They already blew up the Comet silly gooses that they are, or aren't, depending upon your perspective of seeing in this illusatory realm of time space and motion.
I'm really upset about esotericspiritualconsciousness.
Oh well.
William Wordsworth. 1770–1850
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Happy Vernal Equinox
Blah Dogma
Blah blogs that became dust in the wind.
Use of multiple m's, mem's in the new title is conscious.
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
I resemble that last verse.. :-)
I love the new blog's look, very nice format.. Im sad too, that the other blog is dust.. But dust is good, it becomes lighter and lighter and less and less and then it spreads out and every bit of air can take it anywhere.. It becomes magic and you just never know where each and every particle will land, And what magic wonder will grow from it.
I believe you planted seeds, and now you plant more.. nothining is ever lost, so it lives on, as words and thoughts and ideas and concepts do.
Happy vernal equinox to you too.. A day or two late.. :-) I've been pondering on that same thought of connectedness. Every culture and every believe system has a wild, get free, release, and renew type of celebration this time of year.. :-) Of course its this way all through the year. Like the holydays in Dec. and the fall celebrations of greatfullness, through out the world, through out time and space we celebrate in similar manners the same times, all the time..
Coming from the Christian background , I always laugh now at the way all of thier percieved holy celebrations came from earlier pagan traditions. Oh how they get their panties in bunch at that bit of information.. Just like your rabbi.
Why must we think, we are the only ones with the right idea. When will we get to the point where each is willing to allow other ways, and to accept that thiers is just another way, this is the only way we can live in peace on this planet. Its coming but there will be great upheaval before we get there... It is to laugh, there has always been great upheaval, always.
But the Joy of Adar is simply this, there is nothing there, and only one of us.. That is the only real, there is .. Still seeing the Joy even though it has been a really rough month from just looking at it. It just depends on what you choose to see.. :-)
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