Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Thursday, March 30, 2006

V Places

Lake Vostok, Antartica

Places that begin with V excite me, g v i wonder y?

We're looking for life on Jupiter and Mars and Saturn's moon, and sifting through stardust, and there is new life right here on Earth. Fancy That

Lake Vostok

I see very clearly the difference between the energy of Adar and the energy of Nissan. Suddenly I'm smitten with that Aries selfishness. I'm also feeling the injection of light, and the energy of the ram. Be careful to use the injection to propell forward motion, rather than to catalyze self gratification. I have to be careful to keep my mouth shut. The active sense of speech , the ruling sense of Nissan. I'm starting to shoot off that mouth of mine again, and I should not, unless it is to share the energy of love. Nissan is Left column energy, fire energy, and with that comes judgement. That is the resistance we have to use positively. I'm such a lover of secrets, and keeping secrets, yet I do succumb to that negative trait easily.
And again, I am sure of that the rituals are there for a reason. Kind of like, let's make them keep their minds off of it, and keep busy with something physical. The same with Easter, isn't it. I was out in the store this morning, forgetting for a time that I was in Central Florida, looking for Passover Matzohs and everything was Easter. Oy. The Passover section in the stores is like 3 feet wide period. Interesting. Different. Yet the same, only people don't see it that way.

Last night there was a strangely interesting program on The National Georgaphic Channel. Yes,
I watch TV. Most of it is yuchy. Some of it is good. And I like it. I somehow always feel I must defend myself.
The program was about the Ark of the Covenant. Scientists and Ark ists . One of the possible scenarios portrayed was that the Ark was a container for a nuclear device. That would explain why it had to be built in such and such a manner with many different layers, and why people became pulverized if they came too close, and the cloud which covered the Ark. They even gave the explanation that the High Priests garments were anti radiation. I found it fascinating, because I've not been forgetting radioactivity and nuclear holicaust and uranium fission and all that. Another group said that the ark was an electrical generator. And the Ark ists are waiting to rebuild the Temple, but believe that the Ark itself is underneath the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem which is a Muslim sacred site. You can make it into a Sci Fi movie. We learned that in debating in High School. You learned that any subject could be discussed pro or con. First you had to debate pro, then con, so you learned how information revealed or information left out, and the order in which the information is presented pleads the cause.

Debating probably came to mind because of the speech sense. Be careful to speak with conscious energy


Iran given stark nuclear choice

Iran insists its nuclear programme is for peaceful means
Iran has been given 30 days to return to the negotiating table or face isolation, foreign ministers from the US and five other major powers warned.

"Iran has a choice between isolation brought about through [uranium] enrichment" or a return to talks, Germany's foreign minister said.

His comments reinforced a deadline in a statement by the UN Security Council, which urged Iran to halt enrichment.

Iran has rejected the call, and insists its nuclear activities are peaceful.
well, if the Ark is the nano singularity, and it is nuclear, then maybe the final explosion will put us right back into the center of the nothing/everything. maybe that's what its all about. maybe not. definitely musable.
the year 5766 is the year of the concealed being revealed.

Heat-loving bug find in Antarctic
By Gabrielle Walker

Vostok has been cut off below the ice for 15 million years
Researchers have found traces of a heat-loving bacterium that may live beneath a frozen lake in Antarctica.

Lake Vostok is covered by more than 3km of ice and must have been isolated from our planet's atmosphere for millions of years.

The bacteria appeared in sediment mixed with a core of ice drilled by Russian and French researchers.

The heat-loving, or thermophilic, bacterium may suggest that hydrothermal vents exist on the lake floor.

Meanwhile, a new ice core drilled this season may reveal whether there is also life in the lake itself.

Hundreds of lakes exist beneath the thick Antarctic ice sheet, but with an area of 14,000 sq km Vostok is by far the largest.

It has never been penetrated, but scientists know it is there through radar measurements taken from above.

Lost world

Because Vostok sees no sunlight and has not been in contact with the atmosphere since it was covered with ice around 15 million years ago, scientists hope it might reveal the kind of life that could exist on other planets, or on Europa, the ice-covered moon of Jupiter.

There are more than 70 sub-glacial lakes in Antarctica; Vostok is the biggest

At 14,000 sq km, it is about the extent of Lake Ontario and is up to 500m deep in places.

Its waters have been hermetically sealed from air and light for 15 million years or more .

Overlying ice layers reveal a 400,000-year environmental record with microbes present throughout the core

Many scientists consider Vostok to be a good model for the ecosystems that might exist on Jupiter's frozen moons.

All information about the contents of Lake Vostok comes from an ice core drilled by Russian and French scientists.

The core was originally intended to study past climate, but although drilling stopped more than 100m above the lake's surface, the bottom parts of the core turned out to be frozen chunks of the lake water itself.

Now a team of Russian and French scientists have used this core to investigate what the lake is truly like.

So far they have found no definitive traces of life within Lake Vostok. But the ice also contained streaks of dark sediment that they believe was thrust up from the lake floor by a small earthquake.

In the sediment, the team found genetic traces of a bacterium that usually lives in temperatures of 50-60C.

"We expected to find life adapted to a cold environment but instead we found exactly the opposite," said Jean-Robert Petit of the Laboratory of Glaciology and Geophysics of the Environment in Grenoble, France.

Rare bug

To be sure the bacteria really exist below Lake Vostok, the researchers had to be very careful not to contaminate their sample.

They compiled a list of microbes that could be found in their laboratory, and eliminated every one from their results.

But the heat-loving bacterium appeared only in the ice core. In fact it is quite unusual, making the researchers even more confident that this one must have come from below the lake.

"We were happy because this bacterium has only been found until now in five or six places on Earth," said Sergey Bulat of the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute.

They now believe that Lake Vostok may have some kind of hydrothermal heating system at its base, making it more active than anyone had realised.

Concentrated bleach

Meanwhile they are still searching for other evidence of life in the lake water itself.

Recently American researchers announced they had found microbes that must have come from Vostok lake water, but the results were controversial with others saying they were simply contamination.

The Russian and French team have even suggested that the lake water itself may be sterile.

They say that oxygen has been pumped into the lake from the ice above for millions of years.

This would have turned the water into a concentrated solution of bleach.

However if this is true it would be the first truly lifeless body of water ever found on Earth.

New drilling from the Russians may help to resolve this controversy. This season they returned to drill again at Vostok for the first time in eight years.

By extending the Vostok drill hole to a depth of 3650m, a new world record, they managed to obtain an extra 27m of ice core.
Since this ice comes from even closer to the water surface, it should reveal much more about the contents of this mysterious lake.

The full report can be heard on Leading Edge, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 2100 BST on Thursday 30 March. The programme can be heard again from 2130 BST on the Leading Edge website.
and once again
Happy Nissan - wild ride baby, wilde ride babe

like petals in the wind
we're puppets to the silver strings of souls
of changes
sit by my side come as close as the air share in a memory of grey and wander in my words and dream about the pictures that have pla a ayed of changes.
out of all the sung words, these remain. favourite. phil. ochs. resting. in. peace.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Nissan - Aries


Energy shift again. Never entropy. Always shift, always change.

March 30th is 1 Nissan.
Nissan is the First Month, the Head , Rosh, month.
Nissan is the month of Spring, and all that Spring alludes to, i.e. growth, rebirth, and spiritually, the actualization of potential.
Passover, Pesach, is the Major Holy Day during Nissan. Eat matzoh. 8 days. 8. Like Chanukkah. Connection with Binah always emcompasses the 8, because Binah is 8th Sephirot counting upwards from Malchut - Malchut, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiferet, Gevurah, Chesed, Binah.
Hei is the letter for the month of Nissan, Aries the Ram. During Aries, confrontation abounds. The negative traits inherent to the energy of the month are always the mose predominant, and also, the most difficult to deal with, but that is how we learn.
Aries people seek out confrontation, and like to control. Self centered. Nissan is a difficult sign for me. I don't get along with Aries people. Coming out of Adar with the sense of being spiritually full into the energy of Nissan is a whallop. Especially in the wake of a Total Solar Eclipse. I'm bouncing off the walls, which is not my usual state of being. :P
Nissan is a fire sign, and is ruled by Mars, the planet of Fire.
Lots of fire here.
Nissan is also the month of miracles, nissim in Hebrew. Nissan is spelled with a nun at the beginning and at the end, miracle of miracles. So we have the whole Exodus thing happening with Passover. The Exodus is the metaphor of leaving bondage. And it seems we all have to be kicked int he butt in order to leave the bondage. So, that's how the energy of Aries fits in. For me, that butt kicking is a difficult energy.
On the bright side, it is rebirth. Having absorbed the fullness of Adar, now we have to bring it down to Malchut. On Passover, the 50th gate of Binah is opened up, and we receive Direct Light. Internal vs External. Binah and Malchut are the feminine. Aries is fire, which is left column, feminine. Binah is shining directly. Heavy Duty Light. And the feminine is the actualization of the potential, potential is male. Once again, a feminine life giving energy is translated by a male oriented religion. hmmmm. Just made that connection myself.
Most of Nissan is taken up with preparation for Passover, and Passover itself. The energy is diluted with ritual. Interesting. I myself love the Passover ritual. It is forced Spring cleaning. Get rid of all the chametz, everything clean and ready to be reborn.
Rabbi G -
" The greatest miracle of the month of Nissan is that in Nissan nature itself experiences true renewal. By 'gently' uniting with nature, refining and illuminating it, the realm of the miraculous will gladden the realm of the natural. "
The Heavens and the Earth Rejoice from Psalms - Yismichu hashamayim v'tagel ha'aretz reveals the four letter name of G-d, the tetragrammaton, in with the letter Hei appears twice. Direct.
The major energy connection during Nissan is through the Hei.
Hei is the 5th letter of the Aleph Bet, gematria 5.
The letter Hei, as the month of Nissan, is the seed level. Hei is the phonetic origin of the Aleph Bet. Hei therefore is expression in thought, speech and action, the 3 worlds, as the letter itself has 3 lines. The form of the dalet, which is the letter for Mars, and an 'unattached left foot'.


This is the Ari's theory of point line, corresponding to the direct, or straight light.

In the form of the letter there is the 3 Essence, Transcendent Light, Immanent (Inner) light made manifest. The 3 Divine manifestations.

Just as in Torah we enter Leviticus, which is Binah the 3rd book.

In the gematria the number is 5. 5 is very important in Kabbalah. 5 fingers. 5 levels of the soul. 5 books of Moses. 5 final letters. It all connects. And, if on my word, this ain't the 10th post of the new blog. 10 = 5 x 2, did u know?

The controlling sense is the sense of speech. Lots of talking. Aries do love to talk, the thing is, most of them don't like to listen. So, that's what it is necessary to get around, ha.

To understand that through the sense of speech, for us humans this involves speaking and words, we are to be revealing the essence of the divine through connection, rather than dwelling on the self centered action of speaking, and the desire to control.

Because, Bless Rabbi G who told me this, even tho I knew it anyway, and I'm not even going to 'splain the Ari.

According to Sefer Yetzirah

The letter Aleph created Spring

The letter Hei created Nissan

And the Rosh day, the First day , Sunday is the letter Beit.

Aleph Hei Beit root of ahava = love = echad = one. gematria 13. 13 = 12 + 1, as we finished Adar - 12 and go into Nissan -1 , because it is never an ending, only a continuing to move forward. And the numbers play. And I love the mystery.


I'm going to deal with this Aries energy, and not fail like I did during Shevat. Actually, it is easier for me because I observe the rituals, and I do love a good ritual. :) I have to giggle when I read that Matisyahu came from a 'hippie' life style and went to Orthodox Judaism. Yeah. I have to giggle. We hippies always loved a good ritual. No matter what age you are, it is a certain consciousness I guesss. Remember "Happenings"? Smiling.

Everything is going to bloom forth.

Muse on Hei. Walk your walk and talk your talk.


Chodesh Tov Nissan


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 29, 2006 Solar Eclipse viewing links

Your guide to the total solar eclipse
Totality stretches from Brazil to Mongolia on Wednesday

cool stuff. Right on the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Nissan.

Olmert declares victory in Israel's elections.
What a surprise.:P

Transparent Butterfly

Be on the lookout for the transparent winged butterfly...

The Cherokee believe the spirit of this butterfly carry our dreams to The Great Spirit and the transparent wings let the bad thoughts escape before he gets there.

Ever seen a butterfly with transparent wings? A rare and beautiful thing

Thanks to nena for the email.

How lovely.

Muse on transparent butterly wings. See through the veil. hmmmm

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Waters of Life Flow from Binah

The pool yesterday morning. I saw it, the spheres. Sparkling. Pristine.

The camera captured it. I LOVE this digital camera.

Whale Song

Remember the little bottlenose?
Fascinating story here.

Grammar revealed in a whale’s love song
It’s not quite language, but humpbacks do follow grammatical rules

By Bjorn Carey
Updated: 8:28 p.m. ET March 22, 2006
To the casual human listener, the love song of a humpback whale sounds magnificently free-flowing and improvised.

But fresh mathematical analysis of the song shows there are complex grammatical rules. Using syntax, the whales combine sounds into phrases, which they further weave into hours-long melodies packed with information.

Although the researchers say these songs don't meet the linguistic rigor necessary for a true language, this is the first evidence that animals other than humans use a hierarchical structure of communication. Whales have also been found to sing in dialects.

The study is detailed online in the March issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

The sound of love

Many animals use sight and smell to communicate, but these senses are limited in the ocean. Whales rely on sound, which travels four times faster in water than in air.

During mating season, which lasts six months, all humpback males sing the same song to woo the ladies. Over time, the group's song becomes progressively more complex, although researchers don't know quite why.

Presumably, as one whale finds mating success by tinkering with the song style, the rest of the guys imitate it to better their chances, said study co-author Ryuji Suzuki, a HowardHughes Medical Institute predoctoral fellow.
Live Science / WHOI audio
Listen to the song of the humpback whale

researchers used information theory — the mathematical study of data encoding and transmission — to pick apart the whales' songs. It turns out all those moans, cries, and chirps convey significant amounts of information.

Suzuki and his colleagues designed a computer program to break down each element of the songs, collected from humpbacks in Hawaii, and assign a symbol to each. Analyzing the complexity, redundancy and predictability of a string of signals produces an unbiased assessment of the information they might contain.

"It's a good way to study humpback whale songs, because we don't know what they mean, and we want to quantify their complexity and the information content across the seasons," Suzuki told LiveScience.
He then asked human test subjects, with no prior knowledge of whale songs or particular expertise in grammar, to classify each song according to the same criteria the computer used to break them up. Both the human characterizations and computer analyses indicate that whales communicate following rules for grammatical arrangement.

Information content

Humpbacks repeat short and long phrases multiple times to sing long songs — the longest known lasts 20 hours. They also sing in multiple layers, or scales, of repetition called periodicities. A short scale consists of six units, whereas a longer one contains 180 to 400.
Despite these differences, the average amount of information carried by each song was about constant regardless of length, Suzuki said.

Male whales are singing fools for love

The amount of information expressed, however, can't compare to human speech. Whale songs generate less than one bit of information per second, while people convey about 10 bits of information per word spoken.

"Although whale song is nothing like human language, I wouldn't be surprised if some marine mammals have the ability to communicate in a complex way," Suzuki said. "Given that the underwater environment is very different from our world, it is not surprising that they would communicate in rather a different way from land mammals."
© 2006 All rights reserved
Most people I know have completely thrown away all grammatical rules .
With yesterday's double portion of Vayakhel-Pekudei the book of Shemot, Exodus ended. Now begins Leviticus, Vayikra. And with it a different energy. The 5 Books of Moses are Sephirotic, you know. With Leviticus we enter the energy of Binah.
I had fasciating personal experience yesterday. That's how I know I'm really tapping into something quite real.
I started re-reading Frederick Pohl's 'Chernobyl.' Quantum synchronicticly enough, the 20th anniversary is April 26. Chernobyl happened April 26, 1986.
Again and again, we forget to remember.
Matisyahu says we have to take a stand.
We're not supposed to be complacent. We have freedom of choice.
So, as the blog goes forward, I'll be giving little titbits. Something's up. I feel it. The great Sages of Kabbalah teach that the energy came first, then the effect. hmmmm. It all inter relates you see.
The only catalyst uranium needs to fission is heat.
It is a very quick reaction.
They use water to absorb the excess heat. Water absorbs the excess neutrons. Boron and xenon cancel the reaction. Water only works in her liquid form, once steam, the reaction is accellerated.
Uranium fission is the most dangerous because of the material's natural ability to fission.

Iran is messing around with uranium. Speaking of grammar, u know dubble who can't pronounce the world nuclear. Sheesh.

Don't forget to remember.
{Endelusians are blue}

Friday, March 24, 2006

As Adar winds into Nissan

I'm making some interesting connections. kabbalah. energy stuff.
What does it mean, the inter integrating of the Sephirot.
I see now. I see.
It is the feminine energy which manifests the light. The waters of Life flow from Binah. Reflected light. Inner light. So, how from this did they get such a male dominated religion? Huh?
Yesod of Chochmah cannot complete without Yesod of Chesed of Binah completing. (The Ari).
Then the light goes down, through Yesod of Zeir Anpin, illuminated by the light of Binah who completed Chochmah. Masculine, Feminine, Neutral. Always. From Yesod of Zeir Anpin, Malchut is illuminated and the Reflected light of that central column illumination is Chesed of Netzach (Moses ) and Chesed of Hod (Aaron) . hmmmmm. I love it. And again I will emphatically state, and I am Unanimous in This, that although I may not be a good housekeeper, I am able to understand the Ari and the Sephirot. So there. Pbllsft.

And in order to be able to distinguish , or to differentiate, we need 2 opposite poles and a midpoint. Especially in mathematics. Rational numbers vs irrational numbers, fractions and pi and all that.
In quantum theory, the theory of the midpoint, is of course quantum. Smiling at that one.
Example. Parallel universes. The quantum theory of parallel universes states that for every action not taken, for every thought, for every alternate path, a reality exists in which that path is played out. Let's take that a step further. For every alternate path, there are three paths, right left and center. And for every one of those three, there are three ad infinitim.
I've had a lot of healers and energy workers saying to me during this month that ' the veil is thin'. The interpretion, however, is not that the veil is thin, but it is the culmination of the inter integration of all the Sepirot. The intermingling. And The Awe, the spaces between the Sephirot, contain the Joy.
I do love to muse.

Candelighting 6:21, forward 4.
Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei, double portion cause 5766 isn't a leap year.
Blessing of the New Month.
Shabbat Shalom

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

button circa 1963. Notice the snowflake symbol. hmmming again. six points and a center.


what does it mean?


Backwards from Forward :P

Backwards from forward cause only the mid point defines the forth and back, cause effect cause. Don't forget to remember.

Ok. So now I'm able to view and print posts from the zapped blog.
Time for a synchronistic review of the month of Adar. I usually go back on my blog and see what the effects from the causes were.
Part of this blog is a recording of history being written, which I myself find intensly fascinating. Whenever I find anything fascinating, you can be most assured that it is with the utmost intensity with which I do so. Cause I'm very intense. sighs.

We're still coinciding with the lunar and solar calendars. Today is 22 Adar. Nissan, month one, starts March 30th. So, lets see how things ended up, shall we.

Starting with what just happened.
Radioactivity. In Japan. In the pic post I will present a part of my button collection, I used to be a hippie. sighs. Radiation is the Ultimate Pollution. Sighs. There ain't no going back.

Blaze at Japanese nuclear plant

Nuclear power supplies a third of Japan's energy needs

A fire has broken out at a nuclear plant in western Japan, injuring two people but causing no radiation leak, officials say.

The blaze took hold in a waste disposal facility at the Ohi power plant in Fukui, 380km (236 miles) west of Tokyo.

Two workers were taken to hospital with smoke inhalation. Officials have told the AP news agency the fire is now out.

Japan is heavily reliant on nuclear power but confidence has been hit by a series of incidents in recent years.

The Ohi plant is run by Kansai Electric Power Co (Kepco).

Although the waste disposal facility is situated between two reactors, Kepco said the generators were not affected and were operating normally.

'Thick smoke'

Kepco said the blaze appeared to have begun in an area where ash is packed into steel barrels.

Some employees were evacuated after smoke filled the facility but workers in other areas were allowed to remain at their stations.

Kepco's Ikuo Muramatsu said the smoke had delayed fire-fighters getting to the blaze for two hours.

A prefectural official said the waste facility contained very low-level radioactive waste.
"There was no impact on the environment and we have verified that the employees did not come in contact with unusual radiation," Reuters news agency quoted the unnamed official as saying.

Japan has 55 nuclear reactors supplying one-third of its energy needs.

The government says it wants to build 11 more plants.

In August 2004 Kepco closed its plants temporarily after the worst-ever accident in Japan's nuclear power industry.

Steam from a broken pipe killed five workers at one plant.
thick black smoke. filled with only a little radiation. hmmm. hey. hello. there ain't no such thing as a little radiation guys. ain't.
A prior post I'd like to refer to is The Genographic Project, a study being conducted by The National Geographic Society. It is a study of the root of the emergence of human kind in order to determine the quintessential mystery - where did we come from?
They are following the Y marker, the male marker, which is in our chromosomes. Samples of DNA were taken from peoples all over the globe. The Y marked was traced back to 60,000 in Africa, where we all descended from a common father. National Gerographic is code naming him Adam. As the migration from the source started, different markers appeared. Some went to the East, some to the South, some to the North, some to the West and then so on and on. Then they pick up the M Marker. The study so far has given scientific evidence of the DNA studied says that 99.99 % of human peoples descended from the same Y marker.
Fascinating Stuff here. Very kabbalistic.

Adar is the month of joy and paradox. Because it is the last month, it holds within it all that happened before. This is a universal energy concept. The negative trait for Adar is the vision of the false reality as the true reality, and the false reality has done a very good job of making itself appear as totally real, as if there were nothing more. So, the energy that presented itself in the plane of the physical is a false reality, according to the spirituality of Adar. And you have to see through that veil.
So, is nuclear radiation a false reality?
Nazi's marched in downtown Orlando.
Dana Reeves died.
"Iran reiterated its warning that it would begin making nuclear fuel on an industrial scale if the United Nations nuclear agency decided to send its case to the Security Council in its meeting Monday. " Times article March 6.

I do believe I learned that the half life of radioactive uranium is 500 billion years.
Jupiter's 2nd red spot became manifest, fascinating because Jupiter is the ruling planet for Adar.

Jupiter growing another red spot

Red Jr was formed from several storms that merged

The Great Red Spot that has dominated the planet Jupiter's cloudtops for hundreds of years now has a companion.

The gas giant is growing another red spot, which US space agency (Nasa) astronomers have nicknamed "Red Jr".

Both red spots are actually raging storms in Jupiter's cloud layer, but scientists don't yet know how they get their characteristic brick colour.

Red Jr is about half the size of the Great Red Spot and almost exactly the same colour, Science@Nasa reports.

The new storm goes by the official name of Oval BA. It was first observed in 2000, when three smaller spots collided and merged.

And then Enceladus
the post the blew up the blog :P

Saturn moon 'may have an ocean'

Saturn's moon Enceladus could harbour a liquid water ocean beneath its icy crust, according to data sent back by the Cassini spacecraft.

Until Cassini reached Saturn, the tiny moon had received little attention.

But Enceladus is now the focus of intensive study following the discovery that it is geologically active.

Enceladus may possess reservoirs of near-surface liquid water that erupt to form geysers - and where there's water, there may be life, scientists argue.

These jets have been observed erupting from a "hot spot" in the moon's south polar region.
Scientists on the mission have likened them to the kinds of geysers found in Yellowstone National Park in the US.
Click here to see how activity may be generated on Enceladus
"We realise that this is a radical conclusion - that we may have evidence for liquid water within a body so small and so cold," said Dr Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, US.
I just know that Enceladusians are blue. I just know it. And I think they know Peace.
And now we're back to today.
Spring is here. Greenness and growth abounds.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Major Weather

Major Weather on the other side of the globe where today was the autumnal equinox rather than the vernal equinox. Either way, the day and night are of equal length.
New cyclone set to strike Australia’s coast
Wati set to roar in as Larry exits; Howard pledges aid to areas already hit

MSNBC News Services
Updated: 8:40 p.m. ET March 20, 2006
CAIRNS, Australia - Forecasters warned that a Category 2 cyclone was heading for Australia's eastern coast on Tuesday just as residents took stock of devastation wreaked by what officials said was the most powerful cyclone to hit the country in three decades.
Cyclone Wati was churning slowly toward northeast Australia and was expected to hit later in the week, Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre forecaster Jeff Callaghan said.
Wati was heading for an area several hundred miles south of the region hammered this week by Cyclone Larry, a Category 5 storm that lashed Australia's eastern coast with winds up to 180 miles per hour.
Hardest hit was Innisfail, a farming city of 8,500 people 60 miles south of the tourist city of Cairns in northeastern Queensland state. By Tuesday the storm was well inland and downgraded to a severe low pressure system.
“It looks like an atomic bomb hit the place,” Innisfail Mayor Neil Clarke told Australian television. “It is severe damage. This is more than a local disaster, this is a national disaster.”
“Everyone here studied Katrina and took a lot of messages away, a lot of lessons at the expense of the poor old Yanks,” Creagh said. “There was absolutely no complacency at the planning level at all, and I think that shows. ... Good planning, a bit of luck — we’ve dodged a bullet.”
Within hours of the storm’s landfall, officials declared a state of emergency, prepared Black Hawk helicopters to run rescue missions and announced cash payouts for victims — $720 for each adult and $290 for each child who lost their home. Prime Minister John Howard indicated more aid was to come.

Happy Vernal Equinox

Everything on the other blog is gone. Can get to the post page, but can no longer view the posts.
I was musing upon all the celebrations which occur during this month of Adar in every genre. There is the Lenten season which starts with celebrations like Mardi Gras and Carnivales, There's Purim, and St. Patricks Day, and also a Hindu Celebration of the Spring. Greenness and drunkness abound :D

"The Hindu festival of Holi marks the start of spring. The colours signify the blossoms of the season. Here children in the Indian city of Amritsar dress as the Hindu god Krishna and his consort Radha.
The story of Holi:
" An evil king tried to kill his son, Prahalada, and asks his sister, Holika who he believes is immune to fire, to sit with his son in the fire. But Prahalada survived. Holika died."
"Thais are celebrating Songkran, their traditional New Year, drenching each other with water and coloured powder.
The ritual descends from ancient times when it was designed to guarantee water for the next season's crops.
Freeing a caged bird during the festival is said to bring good luck. "

Hmmm. Seems to me they're all the same. The Hindu festival is replete with evil king and everything, same as Purim. I'm not Joseph Campbell, but I do seek connectedness. Part of what religious Kabbalah teaches is that Nature is part of the false reality, and I don't buy that at all.
uh uh. I'm sick of dogma and religious extremism. 'S far as I'm concerned, the world is going to the dogs. sighs. I'm sick of having the fact that I am not the best housekeeper be the most important thing that people look at in me. That's sick. sighs again. What is going on? The paradox? The false reality? And can you imagine if I said to Rabbi G that Purim and the Hindu festival of Holi are the same parable and energy? Oy. I'd be accused of all sorts of terrible things, and of course I'd be accused of Idol Worship. Pshaw. It is all energy. Religion is something else. And I figure if they're going to zap my blog anyway, then I might as well say everything I've got to say instead of being such an intrinsic esoteric.

We need to be forced to see the intermingling of all to create a larger unity. Dogma is running rampant. Do it my way, my way is the only way. Isn't, don't you see?

Each and every peoples have a celebration to usher in Spring. Because Spring is important as it represents new life and rebirth.
Things get green, blossoms burst forth. Growth starts.

If you pay more attention considering the simplicity rather than the complexity, it is then that you see with those eyes that pierce the veil of false reality.
Ah Spring. I yearn to get my hands in the earth and start planting. But I don't do that here in Florida. Too many bugs. sighs. Herbs in pots. Greenness :D

Here is an update on the Deep Impact Comet Temple 1 mission.

Ice layers record comet creation
By Paul Rincon BBC News science reporter, in Houston, Texas

Comets hold materials unchanged since the Solar System's formation
The Deep Impact mission is casting new light on how comets formed and how they shed their ice in space.

The US space agency probe sent a 370kg projectile crashing into Comet Tempel 1 and then studied the plume of debris with its suite of instruments.

Nasa's mission scientists say images from last July's encounter reveal as many as seven different layers on the comet's surface.

Their results were presented at a major science conference in Houston, US.

Team member Mike Belton told the meeting he thought the layering was a sign of how comets like Tempel 1 were built up from lesser objects.

Growing 'snowball'
In the outer part of the early Solar System, smaller bodies called cometesimals collided and merged, gradually piling up to form the larger objects we know as comets.

Similar collisions in the inner Solar System led to a loose accumulation of fragments that largely retained their internal structure.

But primordial material in the outer regions was travelling at relatively lower speeds and contained less solid material.

As the cometesimals hit the surface of a growing comet nucleus, they "flowed" on to the surface, researchers believe.

Deep Impact's scientists think the interior structure of Tempel 1 resembles layers of material piled up on one another - a signature of the process that formed the icy body.

Model conflict

Data from the mission is also helping scientists understand how comets shed water-ice through sublimation, the phenomenon which sees a solid become a gas without first melting.

When comets are heated by the Sun, ice sublimes and is lost to space in a process known as outgassing. Some scientists have proposed that this material is coming from deep below the surface crust of the comet.

But temperature data from Tempel 1's nucleus suggests the material must be lost from only a few centimetres below the surface.

"The normal outgassing of the comet has been modelled by different people as coming from bare ice on the surface to subsurface ice that migrates through pores to escape, or from 40-50m below the surface,"

Deep Impact's chief scientist Mike A'Hearn told the BBC News website.
"I think it is clear from what we have here that the ice that is subliming is within the upper metre. Whether it's 5cm or 20cm below, I wouldn't want to say; but it's not below the top metre. That rules out a lot of the models."

The new results from the mission were presented here at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.

At least they are analyzing the data scientifically. They already blew up the Comet silly gooses that they are, or aren't, depending upon your perspective of seeing in this illusatory realm of time space and motion.


I'm really upset about esotericspiritualconsciousness.

Oh well.


William Wordsworth. 1770–1850


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Happy Vernal Equinox

Blah Dogma

Blah blogs that became dust in the wind.

Use of multiple m's, mem's in the new title is conscious.
