Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Monday, September 18, 2006


Sikh Poetry

Wonderful is sound

Wonderful is wisdom

Wonderful is life

Wonderful its distinctions

Wonderful is praise

Wonderful is eulogy

Wonderful the Presence

One sees in the present

O wonder-struck am

I to see wonder upon wonder.

Sikhism was conceived as a a universalist, open-door religion.
Its view of society was radically egalitarian, and its holy book, the Adi Granth, far from being a catalog of sectarian dos and don'ts, is a bouquet of poetic songs, blending the fragrances of Hindu ragas, Muslim hymns and Punjabi folk tunes into a music of spiritual astonishment.



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