Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Search for Connection

The catalyst for the post is a snake.
This morning.
Outside the pool screen, in the area that is totally overgrown because I can't find anybody to do the clean up for me now, and I won't do it myself. Reason - bugs and snakes.
This was a Florida variety garden snake. Black. The width of a garden hose. This one was LONG LONG - about 5 ft. He slithered between myself and the screen door to enclosed safety and I screamed. The snake was just going back to its place. But I freaked. Screamed. Screamed. My neighbor came out back, B'H for that, even though she has stopped any inter connection between the two of us for reasons unbeknownst to me. Semi unbeknownst. I can make an assumption. That's all. Anyway.
The LONG black garden snake brought forth all my fear and vulernability because of the state of isolation I find myself in. I can take care of myself. I've been doing it.
and there's the big
It ain't working for me no more. Oy.
And I don't know how to fix it.
Moving forward
a black snake
and I'm back to the blog.
I've switched my approach to blogging. At first I thought that it would manifest into a kind of internet intellegensia - so many of us needing to put our thoughts out there. "Out there" is the key term here. Where is "Out there". It implies, not here.
Well then, where?
In the bytes and the nano bytes of the www and internetdom. Causing a quantum effect by their very existence in physical form.
It was bothering me that I have no blog readers. That's from my perspective. If there are people who read my blog, I don't know about it.
I started blogging as a way to do a little teaching, in the endless attempt to present data pointing to the interconnectness of all things.
I have data today.
Be what as it may, it is what it is.
Taking the " I ME EGO" out of blogging, I still believe in it as a manifestion of energy consciousness.
here we go.
During this month of Elul I've been studying a lot. 'Tis the time to do so. And in my never ending quest to get to the bottom of the spiritual essence of the basis of religion whithout the dogma, I've done some intelligent Torah midrash.
When I read it, I astound myself. I'm so much more adept now with Hebrew and the letters, the way the letters form the words and the way the words interconnect.
I believe in the energy of the Hebrew letters. They are vessels for energy, and they all vibrate at a known frequency
which one can connect to.
And I know that when I do Torah on Shabbat, I get high. Very high. So something definitely is happening.
I won't be posting my musings upon the letter yud because there is too much fore-knowledge required and it isn't something one can put simply.
The tip of the yud is the connection to the World of Atzilut - The World of Emanation.
That's upward motion.
I will post some good pics of the letter yud.
Sunspot 904
RETURN OF A SUNSPOT: Remember photogenic sunspot 904? It's back. After a two-week journey around the far side of the sun, 904 is emerging again over the sun's eastern limb.
When last we saw it, sunspot 904 was decaying, a process that probably continued on the sun's farside. So it may not be as photogenic as before. We'll know soon enough; the sun's rotation is turning the spot toward Earth for a face-on view.
more images: from John Stetson and Shane P. of S. Portland, Maine; from Vasilis Wooseas of Greece.
"They" are finally admitting that the explosion of the World Trade Center was toxic.
And the substances are still there. Floated downwards, in the subways and the sidewalk cracks and all over. I knew back then because I was going into the City a lot before I moved down here to Fla. It was like breathing in cracked glass. If I went in for more than 2 days in a row - I was driving in, no more public transportion - I would develop severe breathing symptoms.
Very severe. So severe that I took to wearing a SARS (remember that?) mask when I drove in.
At the time, I was in contact with a lot of people. I said it. Nobody listened. Everybody said I was whatever.
This is from the New York Times :
Illness Persisting in 9/11 Workers, Big Study Finds

Published: September 6, 2006
The largest health study yet of the thousands of workers who labored at ground zero shows that the impact of the rescue and recovery effort on their health has been more widespread and persistent than previously thought, and is likely to linger far into the future.
The study, released yesterday by doctors at Mount Sinai Medical Center, is expected to erase any lingering doubts about the connection between dust from the trade center and numerous diseases that the workers have reported suffering. It is also expected to increase pressure on the federal government to provide health care for sick workers who do not have health insurance.
Most of the ground zero workers in the study who reported trouble breathing while working there were still having those problems up to two and a half years later, an indication that the illnesses are becoming chronic and are not likely to improve over time. Some of them worked without face masks, or with flimsy ones. “There should no longer be any doubt about the health effects of the World Trade Center disaster,” said Dr. Robin Herbert, co-director of Mount Sinai’s World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer Medical Screening Program. “Our patients are sick, and they will need ongoing care for the rest of their lives.”
Dr. Herbert called the findings, which will be published tomorrow in Environmental Health Perspectives, the journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, “very worrisome,” especially because 40 percent of those who went to Mount Sinai for medical screening did not have health insurance, and will thus not get proper medical care. The Mount Sinai results found, as studies done by the New York City Fire Department also have, that those who showed up in the first hours and days after the twin towers collapsed have the worst medical problems. Seventy percent of the workers in the study arrived at the site between Sept. 11 and Sept. 13.
Mount Sinai’s screening and monitoring program, which excludes New York firefighters, who are tested in a separate program, run by the New York Fire Department, covers law enforcement officers, transit workers, telecommunications workers, volunteers and others who worked at ground zero and at the Fresh Kills landfill, where debris was taken.
and on
Times articles are long.
Fresh Kills is in Staten Island. One great huge Toxic Dump.
They've also published something about nicotine which i've also been saying for years.

Nicotine: It may have a good side
By Harvard Health Publications
Nicotine: It may have a good side
It gets people hooked on cigarettes, but researchers hope that nicotine and related compounds will have therapeutic uses.
Nicotine is rightly reviled because of its associations with smoking and addiction. But the rogue substance has a wide range of effects on the brain, which may include some healing properties. Researchers are testing nicotine and related compounds as treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.
Self-medicating with cigarettes
Epidemiological studies have hinted at nicotine’s therapeutic potential. During the 1980s, several found that smokers had lower rates of Parkinson’s disease than nonsmokers. Epidemiologists also validated what many mental health practitioners have long noticed: The smoking rate among people with schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorders is far higher than average. It’s widely believed that people with certain mental health problems are self-medicating with cigarettes because the nicotine helps their minds function better.
A most rewarding experience
Although the number of smokers is decreasing, smoking still accounts for roughly 1 in 7 deaths in the United States (1 in 3 between the ages of 35 and 70). And tobacco — particularly when smoked — is highly addictive. The cigarette sends the nicotine straight to the lungs, where it’s absorbed by the blood, carried to the heart, and pumped up to the brain. One aspect of addiction is withdrawal, and the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal usually begin within hours and consist of craving, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, and increased appetite. The craving may last for months — even years.
The psychological effects of nicotine at first seem contradictory: increasing alertness while providing a sense of relaxation and calm. One possible explanation is that the effect varies with the user’s initial state. For someone who’s agitated, nicotine has a calming effect. For someone who isn’t, it heightens alertness. This difference may also help explain why nicotine, unlike many other addictive drugs, doesn’t behave in a simple additive manner as the dose increases.
That's MSN
Interesting data.
Rockstar Supernova is almost over. Well done TV. Now it is like a mystery - nobody knows who is gonna get the gig. Tonight there's the elimination, but even that is well done.
Good Entertainment.
As I search for the interconnectedness I'll blog.
My studies soothe me.
Parts of me just feel the world gone crazy so intensely, and the other part of me knows that everything is fine.



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