Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Monday, September 25, 2006

The New Year in Autumn

Pretty Pictures of Outer Space Matter will be posted.
I love 'space'
don't you think
in those brain thoughts
we need to clean up
our own

The Sound of The Shofar
which blows silver light
awakens the core
of the soul
as we reach
to access our own core.
Transcendence into spirit.

There is so much energy at play here.

Earthbound Farms Organic is tainted. It may be a terror play, or a fear play, but how can I continue to injest Earthbound Farms Produce? Oy.

Love Bugs were man made. Double Oy.

The sunrise and sunset times for Orlando latitude 28.51N are as follows.We are in the period of the Equinox.
Monday sunrise 7:15 AM sunset 7:18 PM
Tuesday sunrise 7:15 AM sunset 7:17 PM
Wednesday sunrise 7:16 AM sunset 7:15 PM

For Jersey latitude 40.43N the times are :
Monday sunrise 6:47 AM sunset 6:49 PM
Tuesday sunrise 6:48 AM sunset 6:47 PM
Wednesday 6:49 AM sunset 6:46 PM

We're running just about equal. Florida is better for people with SAD.

The balance of power is at play.

New Year in Autumn.


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