The day after, when the pieces of data involving the Air Terror Threat in Britain yesterday come together, it appears that the British Secret Service (of James Bond Fame) stymied a plot involving the use of liquid explosives concealed in water bottles. Point is, the alleged liquid substances never made it anywhere near the aircrafts because the plot was thwarted.
"LONDON, Aug. 10 — The British authorities said Thursday that they had thwarted an advanced terrorist plot to blow up airplanes flying from
Britain to the United States using liquid explosives that would have escaped airport security." The New York Times
"It is thought that the suspects were planning to blow up several planes by using liquid explosives carried in soft-drink bottles, and detonators disguised as electronic equipment. "BBC
"Authorities in Britain on Thursday announced the arrests of 24 people in connection with a plot to down commercial jetliners with explosives. While the investigation continues, the government officials say the primary players are now in custody. The original information about the plan came from the Muslim community in Britain, according to a British intelligence official. The alleged plot to smuggle liquid explosives onto planes has led to drastic new security measures at airports around the world. " CNN International
"LONDON — Two dozen suspects arrested by British police Thursday were in the final stages of a plan to detonate liquid explosives on as many as 10 U.S.-bound airliners in what appeared to be the most ambitious terrorist plot since the Sept. 11 attacks, authorities said.Officials could not say when the attacks were to be carried out but said the suspects, mainly British nationals of Pakistani descent, had acquired most of the materials to assemble explosives that could have killed hundreds of passengers as their planes crossed the Atlantic from British airports." LA Times
What do these new reports tell us? They say that the alleged concealed liquid explosive substance never made it to the airports. The Threat Was Thwarted.
On the other hand, hundred of thousands of people had to throw away all their liquids.
The Airport Security people (ah -hem) had no idea what was going on.
I have this complunction to put myself into a situation so that I can more clearly see. I also tend to wax poetic.
I've flown out of Heathrow. There's a Harrod's in the airport. All the perfumes are from France. I always stock up on bath and shower gels, and in Britain they have all this fabulous stuff made from oil of evening primrose. Yummy. I would have shopped, and would have had everything in my carryon. Because that's why people have their toilitries in their carryons. Cause one leakage into your luggage teaches you that. I would have freaked. I'm not putting physical possessions ahead of human lives. But just imagine, barrels and barrels of bottled water thrown away. Toothpast and mouthwash, shampoo and hair gel. Shaving cream and deodorant. Mountains of waste. Expensive waste. Waste that really isn't waste. Mystify Me.
Quantumly, the cause and effect don't match.
Where is the line drawn between a World of Terror and Personal Freedoms? We are not All Terrorists.
As an American, I see the pattern of civil liberties being taken away, piece by piece.
They're going to force this Age of Terror down everybody's throats.
It also took the media away from the Middle East for a day or two.
Let's make an analogy to the sunspot - Sunspot 904, which became visible yesterday, August 10, 16 Menachem Av. Before a sunspot becomes visible, there are stages. Constant stages, or action and reaction, cause and effect. The sunspot is growing quickly. The Sun is our Star. We vibrate to its frequencies. We vibrate to the frequencies of the water. We vibrate to the frequencies of the air. We vibrate to the frequencies of the earth. And man alive do we love to vibrate to the frequencies of fire. We're some heavy duty vibrating beings.
"BIG SUNSPOT: The rapid growth of sunspot group 904 continues:
movie. From end to end, it stretches almost 100,000 kilometers. This morning,
Dennis Simmons of Brisbane, Australia, photographed the behemoth.
When sunspots grow very quickly, their magnetic fields can become unstable and explode. Sunspot 904 harbors energy for
M-class eruptions and poses a gathering threat for X-flares. This sunspot bears
watching. " from
{Click on the links. The pics are amazing. }
Effect cause effect cause effect cause effect cause............1000x 1000x.The more the consciousness of the masses feeds into the energy of terror, the stronger that energy becomes, just like the reaction which is feeding the sunspot.
We do have a choice. Don't believe everything you read or see or hear. The effect is being twisted. We do have a choice.
In an event of historic and religious significance, His Holiness the Dalai Lama will bless the largest Buddhist monument in the United States on Sunday morning, September 17 at the Shambhala Mountain Center in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Arriving in a convoy of helicopters from Denver, the Dalai Lama will be greeted by over 2,000 Buddhist practitioners. He will then proceed to The Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, one of the most noteworthy examples of Buddhist sacred architecture in the world and the largest monument dedicated to peace in North America.
In a two-hour event, from 10:00 am – Noon, the Dalai Lama will perform a traditional Tibetan blessing of the Stupa, speak to the assembly on the importance of compassion in today’s world, and receive the first Living Peace Award. The event is hosted by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, head of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, and author of national best-sellers Turning the Mind into an Ally and Ruling Your World. In addition, Queen Noor of Jordan and Rabbi Irwin Kula of the National Jewish Center for Leadership and Learning will participate in a panel discussion with the Dalai Lama and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche on the role of compassion in global leadership.
Tibet: Dalai Lama Committed to Dialogue Process despite Chinese Tirade
On 7 August 2006, in an interview published in the Indian Express, the Dalai Lama said that he is committed to reaching on a solution to the Tibetan issue based on his Middle Way Approach and that he is not disturbed by the latest Chinese tirade against him
The Dalai Lama has said that he is committed to reaching on a solution to the Tibetan issue based on his Middle Way Approach and that he is not disturbed by the latest Chinese tirade against him.
Dalai Lama Concepts Inspire Works of 3 Jewish Artists
by Morris Newman, Contributing Writer
To paraphrase an old rye bread ad, you don't have to be Buddhist to admire his holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, or at least that's so in the case of at least three Jewish artists, who lend their artistic voices to "The Missing Peace: Artists Consider the Dalai Lama," an exhibition currently at the UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History.
As the exiled leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama has a complex role. He is the unofficial leader of world Buddhism. Some people revere him as a living Buddha (not necessarily an act of avodah zara or idolatry, one might argue, because devotees describe "Buddha nature" as a universal attribute of all people). For his part, the Dalai Lama describes himself simply as a Buddhist monk.
In another vein, I've stopped sifting stardust. Kinda boring. Oh well. I check in to see if anybody else verified my particle tracks. This week's Torah Portion is Ekev - "If Only.". There is a lot of gemtria in play. The 7 species of Eretz Israel are defined. The 7 species correspond to the sephirot.
Candellighting 7:51, minus 6.
Shabbat Shalom