Iyar - Taurus
Vav, the letter for the month of Iyar, Taurus 6th letter of the Aleph Bet, gematria 6
Pei, the letter for the planet Venus which rules Iyar , 17th letter of the Aleph Bet, gematria 80
Energy shift.
Tonight we move from Nissan into Iyar, Taurus, the month of healing.
The energy of the universal consciousness is that of healing.
Iyar is called' Ziv' in Torah, which mean radiance. Rabbi G says :
" The two names of the month, Ziv and Iyar are both from the root 'or', light in Hebrew.
They are two synonyms for light. They both relate to the special light that shines in this month. Iyar refers to the light source, or to the light within and proximte to its source, whereas Ziv refers to the expansion of radiant energy as it shines far from its source.
During Iyar the lower reality is slowly refined to become a proper vessel able to receive the revelation of the essence of the higher reality. "
We're filling our vessels, which are, in our case, our human bodies, with light.
The light isn't Direct anymore. The Omer plays a large part during the month of Iyar, because you're 'counting the omer' for the entire month. It starts in Nissan and ends in Sivan.
The letter Vav represents the drawing down of the light from the Infinite source. It is a vertical line. It is the center pillar, the pillar of Truth. "It is the Divine piercing through the middle point of every Creation. "
I love the mid point quantumness.
6 corresponds to the 6 Sephirot of Zeir Anpin - Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod.
The mazal, the symbol, is the ox, or bull. The sense is thought, the organ right kidney.
During Iyar we are being given the chance to heal ourselves, and our world. The light is there for us to receive, and to totally encompass.
The Light of Healing, that's a Beautiful Thing.
Here's the heads up on the Energy of the Month.
Taureans, Earth sign, tend to be a little complacent in their attidues, because they were born under this comfortable sign. Their job is to take the animal instinct of the bull and turn it into the light of healing through thought, contemplation and introspection.
TAURUS: Hebrew Month of Iyar
The planet Venus, which gives them an appreciation for beauty, comfort and makes you a sociable individual, rules their charts.
They love pleasures of the physical world, like good food, a comfortable luxurious home, good quality clothing, art, good music, etc.
They are very sensual, too.
On the other hand, as Taurus is an earth sign, they are also conservative and very stubborn. Taureans are known for their slowness; they may be slow but good and steady workers.
Their persistent nature gives them the ability to work hard and long enough to accomplish their goals.
They have a lot of endurance, physical strength and energy.
Typically, they are practical and reliable.
Others easily trust them, because they have the ability to calm down the tension around them and their unchanging nature gives confidence to people.
Because comfort is important to them, their actual spiritual growth will come through leaving their comfort zone and letting go of the familiar, by exploring and being innovative
Taureans are not selfish or lazy , but rather self indulgent. They need to take their light and to radiate it outwards.
The important days during the Month of Iyar are
4 Iyar, Yom Hazikaron, Israel Memorial Day
5 Iyar, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day
18 Iyar - Lag B'Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer, Rabbi Shimon's Death anniversary
28 Iyar, Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Day.
Enjoy the energy.
This week's Torah Portion is a double portion, Tazria-Metzorah.
Candelighting 7:41, + 5.
Chodesh Tov Iyar
Shabbat Shalom
Pei, the letter for the planet Venus which rules Iyar , 17th letter of the Aleph Bet, gematria 80
Energy shift.
Tonight we move from Nissan into Iyar, Taurus, the month of healing.
The energy of the universal consciousness is that of healing.
Iyar is called' Ziv' in Torah, which mean radiance. Rabbi G says :
" The two names of the month, Ziv and Iyar are both from the root 'or', light in Hebrew.
They are two synonyms for light. They both relate to the special light that shines in this month. Iyar refers to the light source, or to the light within and proximte to its source, whereas Ziv refers to the expansion of radiant energy as it shines far from its source.
During Iyar the lower reality is slowly refined to become a proper vessel able to receive the revelation of the essence of the higher reality. "
We're filling our vessels, which are, in our case, our human bodies, with light.
The light isn't Direct anymore. The Omer plays a large part during the month of Iyar, because you're 'counting the omer' for the entire month. It starts in Nissan and ends in Sivan.
The letter Vav represents the drawing down of the light from the Infinite source. It is a vertical line. It is the center pillar, the pillar of Truth. "It is the Divine piercing through the middle point of every Creation. "
I love the mid point quantumness.
6 corresponds to the 6 Sephirot of Zeir Anpin - Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod.
The mazal, the symbol, is the ox, or bull. The sense is thought, the organ right kidney.
During Iyar we are being given the chance to heal ourselves, and our world. The light is there for us to receive, and to totally encompass.
The Light of Healing, that's a Beautiful Thing.
Here's the heads up on the Energy of the Month.
Taureans, Earth sign, tend to be a little complacent in their attidues, because they were born under this comfortable sign. Their job is to take the animal instinct of the bull and turn it into the light of healing through thought, contemplation and introspection.
TAURUS: Hebrew Month of Iyar
The planet Venus, which gives them an appreciation for beauty, comfort and makes you a sociable individual, rules their charts.
They love pleasures of the physical world, like good food, a comfortable luxurious home, good quality clothing, art, good music, etc.
They are very sensual, too.
On the other hand, as Taurus is an earth sign, they are also conservative and very stubborn. Taureans are known for their slowness; they may be slow but good and steady workers.
Their persistent nature gives them the ability to work hard and long enough to accomplish their goals.
They have a lot of endurance, physical strength and energy.
Typically, they are practical and reliable.
Others easily trust them, because they have the ability to calm down the tension around them and their unchanging nature gives confidence to people.
Because comfort is important to them, their actual spiritual growth will come through leaving their comfort zone and letting go of the familiar, by exploring and being innovative
Taureans are not selfish or lazy , but rather self indulgent. They need to take their light and to radiate it outwards.
The important days during the Month of Iyar are
4 Iyar, Yom Hazikaron, Israel Memorial Day
5 Iyar, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day
18 Iyar - Lag B'Omer, the 33rd day of the Omer, Rabbi Shimon's Death anniversary
28 Iyar, Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Day.
Enjoy the energy.
This week's Torah Portion is a double portion, Tazria-Metzorah.
Candelighting 7:41, + 5.
Chodesh Tov Iyar
Shabbat Shalom
Karaite Korner Newsletter #266
New Moon Not Sighted Despite Expectations
On Friday April 28, 2006 the moon was not sighted from Israel.
Observers from Jerusalem, Northern Judea and Galilee reported that
it was raining and cloudy, preventing any possibility of seeing the
moon. We are expecting further reports from the Negev and coastal
region tomorrow night (some observers do not use phones on the
Sabbath). Visibility would have been probable (but not certain) had
there been clear skies. I should point out that it has been raining
on and off over the last week across Israel, something which is
extremely rare this time of year. We are well past the sudden rain
during harvest described in 1 Samuel 12:17. This much rain this late
in the season is truly an anomaly.
Nehemia Gordon
Reporting from Charlotte, North Carolina
Hey willness - why should I divulge my secrets to thee?
Each month I study.I know a lot from memory because I'm a good student, and always have been. Once it is in the file folder, it usually stays unless I delete it.
When I'm referencing, I always give the reference.
There is a lot more to be said on Iyar and the letters, but I chose not to post it because it goes too deep and requires more explanation.
Nice to have you back asking me questions again.
Also, this is the way I teach. It is the summary version.
Yes, I do need to do research on the specifics. But as far as the energies go, that I know by heart.
I'm also very smart.
As we used to say, that and a buck will get you on the subway.
When I teach, I first give an introduction summary, then I go more deeply into the topic, then I do an end summary. A lot of repition is necessary.
I love to do this.
I'm a good researcher.
I always put myself last also.
In fact, now is the first time in my life I'm considering things from the perspective of taking care of myself. That's new to me. And wouldn't ya know, that it is my Taurean friend, we've know each other for 32 years if you can handle that, who made me see that perspective. The Taurean sees it as more self indulgent than I do. I just realize that I do have to take care of myself.
In Hebrew will = ratzon
very powerful word.
what else ya wanna know?
Hello there, oh most awesome researcher and teacher.. I wanta know more about the deeper energies of this month.. My Bruce is a Taurean the 18th is his bday.. So this month is important to us..
Healing light, ahhhhhh!!! Thanks for all you share..
Love and lightness, Namaste Ileya
Bless the Soul of the Universe for the venue of blogging which has brought all of us together.
absolute ment :)
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