Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Orchid in Bloom

As it were, the first blossom to bloom is the first to wither.

Today was Holicaust Remembrance Day. The WW II Holicaust, as opposed to others.

It is a day during which you're not supposed to forget to remember what happened and not to ever let it happen again. Unfortunately, Mass Genocide is not a thing of the past.

Our myriad of differences are what make us fascinating and unique, the endless variety of creation.

And you know what, I forgot to remember. I was to busy being pissed off that I didn't get the pre-ordered Springsteen CD today, the release date. I pre-order so I can be part of the statistics. And blah I didn't get it. And I was upset because they didn't take my garbage. I have garbage issues.

We're coming up on Iyar - Taurus. Interesting month.


Don't Forget


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