Hmmm - quantum musings continued

quantum synchronicity, the energy of being and nothingness, musings on the condition of life.

Location: Orlando, Florida, United States

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Letter Chet - Letter for the Month of Tammuz - Cancer

Artist's Rendition of the Letter Chet
The Letter Chet written as Two Zayins ( I can't get a pic when it is written as a vav and a zayin because that is 'sacred' and can't be copied)

The Letter Chet - Letter for the month of Tammuz - Cancer, 4th month of the Hebrew calendar, 8th letter of the aleph bet, gematria 8.

The Letter Zayin - Letter for the month of Sivan - Gemini, the 3rd month of the Hebrew Calendar, 7th letter of the aleph bet, gematria 7

The Letter Vav - Letter for the month of Iyar, Taurus, 2nd month of the Hebrew calendar, 6th letter of the aleph bet, gematria 6.

The Letter Hei, the letter of the first month of the Hebrew Calendar, Nissan - Aries, 5th letter of the aleph bet, gematria 5. The Chet looks like a closed Hei to me.

We can see the mathematical progression with the letters. In my attempt to take religious dogma out of the equation as much as possible, I'm presenting the letters as the main spiritual tool with which we connect to the energetic flow of the manifestation of the soul of the universe.

Chodesh Tov Tammuz


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